In a recent circular, the Abu Dhabi Department of Health (DOH) has announced the updated health insurance premiums and benefits for the Basic Health Insurance Policy for the year 2024. These changes, which will come into effect on July 1, 2024, are aimed at ensuring the continued provision of high-quality, accessible, and affordable healthcare services to all residents in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Key Updates to Health Insurance Premiums: After careful consideration and analysis of the current healthcare landscape, the DOH has approved the following health insurance premiums for each age category in 2024:

Please view the circular and table here

These premium adjustments have been made to maintain the sustainability of the healthcare system while ensuring that all residents have access to the necessary medical services. The DOH has taken into account various factors, such as the increasing cost of healthcare services, advancements in medical technology, and the evolving needs of the population, to determine these updated premiums.

Changes to Basic Health Insurance Policy Benefits: In addition to the premium updates, the DOH has also announced several changes to the benefits of the Basic Health Insurance Policy for 2024. These changes are designed to enhance the overall healthcare experience for policyholders while maintaining the financial stability of the system.

  1. Inpatient and Day Care Treatment:
  • Currently: 100% covered
  • Change for 2024: Introduction of a co-payment fee of AED 200 per encounter, with a maximum of AED 500

This change encourages responsible utilization of inpatient and day care services while ensuring that policyholders have access to necessary treatments without facing significant financial burdens.

  1. Laboratory and Diagnostic Services:
  • Currently: Co-payment fee of AED 10 for laboratory services and AED 10 for diagnostic services
  • Change for 2024: Co-insurance of 20% with a maximum of AED 50

The introduction of co-insurance for laboratory and diagnostic services aims to promote cost-sharing between policyholders and insurance providers while maintaining access to essential diagnostic procedures.

  1. Medications:
  • Currently: 70% covered (within the healthcare provider network) with a maximum of AED 1,500
  • Change for 2024: Co-insurance of 30% (covered up to a maximum of AED 1,050) within the healthcare provider network

The adjustment in medication coverage encourages the use of cost-effective and essential medicines while ensuring that policyholders have access to necessary treatments.

Implementation and Renewal Process: The DOH emphasizes that these changes will be implemented in a manner that minimizes any adverse effects on patients. Existing Basic Health Insurance Policies will remain valid until their expiration date, after which they will be renewed according to the updated premiums stated in the table above.

For a more detailed explanation of the changes and their implications, please refer to the attached circular issued by the DOH.

Contact Information: For further information, clarifications, or coordination regarding these updates, please contact the Health System Financing Sector at the Department of Health via email: The DOH remains committed to working closely with all stakeholders to ensure a smooth transition and implementation of these changes.

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