Salama Car Insurance Review: Your Peace of Mind on Wheels

Category: Insurance Companies and Partners

Zooming Into the Deets of Salama Car Insurance Picture this: You’re cruisin’ down a sun-kissed road in Abu Dhabi, jamming to your favorite tunes,...

Tokio Marine Car Insurance Review: A Deep Dive into Peace of Mind on the Roads of UAE

Category: Insurance Companies and Partners

Navigating the bustling streets of the UAE, from the scenic drives in Abu Dhabi to the vibrant avenues of Dubai, calls for not just a keen sense of direction...

Motor Tariff

Category: Terms and Phrases

What It Is:A regulatory standard defining the rules, guidelines, and pricing structures for motor insurance policies to ensure fairness and consistency across...

Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

Category: Terms and Phrases

What It Is:Also known as “no-fault” coverage, it covers medical expenses and sometimes even lost wages for you and your passengers, irrespective of who is...

No-Claims Bonus (NCB) or No-Claims Discount (NCD)

Category: Terms and Phrases

What It Is:A rewarding system offering you a discount on your premium for each year without a claim, encouraging safe driving habits. The Story:Sarah has...

Liability Coverage

Category: Terms and Phrases

What It Is:A mandatory coverage that takes care of the costs if you injure someone or damage their property in an accident where you are at fault. The...

Understanding Car Value in Your Insurance Policy

Category: How to

In the realm of auto insurance, the term “car value” holds a pivotal role. As you navigate through various insurance options as a car owner,...

Why We Ask for Microphone Access on your browsers to use Say It Feature

Category: How to

In order to provide you with an enriched browsing experience, we’ve introduced a voice command feature called Say It on our website. Here, we explain why...

Excess Cover

Category: Terms and Phrases

What It Is: Excess cover is the amount you must pay towards the overall cost of an insurance claim. It is only applied in cases where the policyholder is at...

Travel Insurance in a Post-Pandemic World

Category: Articles

The ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic have been vast and far-reaching. One of the sectors that felt its tremors profoundly was the travel industry. As...

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