The Underinsured

Category: Terms and Phrases

What It Is: Being underinsured means your coverage limits may not fully cover potential losses. The Story: During a health crisis, Zoe found her policy...

The Total Loss

Category: Terms and Phrases

What It Is: Total loss happens when repair costs exceed half the vehicle’s value. The Story: After a major accident, Jake’s car was deemed a total...

The Policy Term

Category: Terms and Phrases

What It Is: It’s the active duration of the insurance policy. The Story: For three years, Carlos’s policy term protected his startup. As it ended,...

The Insurable Interest

Category: Terms and Phrases

What It Is: Insurable interest exists when a loss would result in financial or other hardship. The Story: Owning a rare art piece, Olivia had an insurable...

The Indemnity

Category: Terms and Phrases

What It Is: Indemnity ensures claimants are compensated but not profited from their loss. The Story: Post a minor fire, George’s insurance provided...

The Actuary

Category: Terms and Phrases

What It Is: Actuaries use math and statistics to predict potential risks and financial costs for insurance companies. The Story: As an actuary, Sam’s...

The Exclusion

Category: Terms and Phrases

What It Is: Exclusions detail what the insurance won’t cover. The Story: While Paul’s home insurance covered many incidents, it had an exclusion for...

The Coverage

Category: Terms and Phrases

What It Is: Coverage specifies what the insurance policy will compensate for. The Story: Nathan’s travel insurance offered coverage for flight delays....

The Policyholder

Category: Terms and Phrases

What It Is: The policyholder owns the insurance policy and pays its premiums. The Story: As a new car owner, Mia became a policyholder, ensuring her...

The Underwriter

Category: Terms and Phrases

What It Is: An underwriter evaluates and decides the terms of insuring potential risks. The Story: Daniel, an underwriter, studied the application of a bakery...

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